Board of Directors
The Welcome Home Haiti Board of Directors is a highly passionate, dedicated, and skilled group, whose goals are to glorify God first, respectfully and lovingly empower our Haitian brothers and sisters, and relentlessly utilize their spiritual gifts to achieve God's will for WHH.
Members are:
Steve and Shelley Hari
Field Director/Founders
Pillatre Christian Church
Pillatre, Haiti
Our family became involved in ministry in Northern Haiti during the summer of 1999. Year after year we were able to return to serve the people of the Pillatre community. Ten years later, God placed the burden of the need for adequate shelter on our hearts. Welcome Home Haiti was the result of that prompting. The Lord has made it clear that He is able to do immeasureably more than we could ask for or imagine. We are blessed to be on this journey with Him and so many faithful believers who walk alongside us.
Greg and Sheila Filson
Board President
Northview Christian Church
Danville, Indiana
Greg is currently the President of the Board of Directors for Welcome Home Haiti. He and his wife Sheila are the parents of 3 daughters and one grandson. Greg and Sheila have been involved in ministry in Haiti for several years. Greg been an integral part in many projects at Pillatre Christian Center and with Welcome Home Haiti. His passion for and love of the people of Northern Haiti is inspiring. He is a man who gets things done!
Bob and Leanna Van Voorst
Thrive Church
Carmel, Indiana
After many years of involvement with Haitian Christian Ministries, we lead a team to build a Welcome Home Haiti house for Marlene Valcourt in March of 2012. The simplicity of the mission and detailed organization of how to do the trip and complete the build were very appealing to us. We have since led two additional house builds.
Bob Stephan
Financial Director
Eastview Christian Church
Normal, Illinois
Bob is an investor by occupation and believes the ratio of life change per dollar donated makes Welcome Home Haiti a great place for people to invest their time, talent, and treasure. He and his wife Cara have two daughters, the oldest of which helped build a house in July 2016. Bob is blessed to be a part of the Lord's work changing lives through Welcome Home Haiti.
Jay and Missy Herrman
Forwarding Agents/Marketing Director
Eastview Christian Church
Normal, Illinois
Jay went to Haiti for the first time in 2013 and God used that trip to change the trajectory of his and his family's lives. Missy has been on two trips and their teenage daughters have also been on Welcome Home Haiti trips. Jay currently serves as marketing director for Welcome Home Haiti. He and Missy will transition to the Forwarding Agent role when the Hari's move to Haiti permanently in 2017.
Tyler Hari
Eastview Christian Church
Normal, Illinois
Tyler Hari is the oldest son of Steve and Shelley Hari. He is the Executive Pastor at Eastview Christian Church in Normal, IL. Tyler married Jessica in 2004 after graduating college and they have 4 kids. Tyler has a passion for Haiti and has been involved in Haiti since 1999 and has been involved in Welcome Home Haiti from its inception in 2010. He has served alongside various Eastview global partners in a variety of contexts including serving on several of their boards.
Mitch Steffen
Grace Church
Normal, Illinois
Mitch went on his 1st Welcome Home Haiti House build trip in 2016 and was instantly moved to make it a long term focus of his mission work. What attracted him the most was the plan to work toward a sustainable operation which creates jobs, homes, and skills, along with sharing the word of God. He and his wife Annmarie have 2 daughters and a son-in-law. Mitch is retiring from State Farm Insurance and looks forward to being able to spend more time helping the wonderful people of the Cap-Haitian area through Welcome Home Haiti!